
11th Anniversary of Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH)

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • February 23, 2019

11th Anniversary of Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH)

Event Date : 2019-02-23

Happy 11th EGH Day to all of us.

23rd February 2019 is the 11th Anniversary of Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH).

We celebrated the occasion on 22 February 2019 with the participation of our board members. EGH founding members, former EGH coordinators and young graduates remembering our beloved Late Dr. Pralad Yonzon. It was our pleasure to have everyone who have been very dedicated and are responsible that EGH could come this far.

We would like to thank everyone who could make their time for the celebration.
Thank you Dr. Dinesh Raj Bhuju, Mr. Dhan Bahadur Shrestha, Ms. Binita Pandey and Prof. Dr. Pitamber Sharma for your sharings.

It was our immense pleasure to have Mr. Sheren Shrestha, Senior Research Officer from WWF Nepal who made the celebration even more entertaining and meaningful as well. Thank you Mr. Sheren Shrestha.

Thank you Ms. Varsha Rai, EGH Coordinator for arranging and coordinating the celebration.

We hope we make can a better tomorrow.
