

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • July 26, 2017


Event Date :

For the 59th series of PYCF, we had invited Dr Bhagawan Raj Dahal, Program manager for Terai Conservation Program Nepal, Zoological Society of London-Nepal (ZSL-Nepal). The program started with the welcome note and brief introduction of speaker by Ms Rasmi Kunwar, EGH coordinator. Dr Dahal had his presentation on title “Impacts of extractive forest uses on bird assemblages vary with landscape context in lowland Nepal”. He started his presentation with the brief explanation of the activities conducted by ZSL-Nepal in the conservation of wildlife; Tiger, Rhino, Elephant, pangolin etc along with their habitats. He remarked upon the active role of ZSL- Nepal in recent wild water buffalo translocation from Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve to Chitwan National Park. He shifted the presentation towards his research findings mentioning about the explanatory variables where he emphasized upon need of the landscape level research. His presentation showed the need of about 40% of tree coverage for stable bird abundance and if less the population would decline. He concluded his presentation explaining the requirement of human- wildlife interaction for proper maintenance of wildlife abundance at that particular landscape. The program ended with closing remarks by Dr Deep Narayan Shah, board member of Resources Himalaya Foundation who also handed token of love to the guest speaker.
