
Guff Gaff-November- Status of Cyrospheric Research Climate change in Nepal

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • November 25, 2021

Guff Gaff-November- Status of Cyrospheric Research Climate change in Nepal

Event Date : 2021-11-24

Resources Himalaya Foundation and Environmental Graduates in Himalaya successfully organized a monthly program Guff-Gaff with Dr. Rijan Bhakta Kayastha, Associate Professor and Head at Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kathmandu University. He presented a talk on “Status of Cryospheric Research and Climate Change in Nepal.”

Introducing the climate of Nepal, the talk emphasized on the increasing trends of warm days and warm nights in majority of the districts with number of rainy days significantly increasing in the northern districts. Moving on to talking about the glaciers, Dr. Kayastha highlighted that 47 glacial lakes are potentially dangerous in Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali River Basins. The need for hydro-meteorological stations in the high mountain region and need for subsequent research on glaciers was emphasized. To give an overview of the research regarding cryosphere, different research agencies and monitoring projects being carried out in Nepal was introduced. One of such projects, Cryosphere Monitoring Project supported by the Norwegian Government through the ICIMOD in KU, started in 2011 and focused in Rowaling Region for glaciological research. Institute of Research for Development (IRD), France had started monitoring glaciers of Nepal since 2007 and still continuing the research.  Likewise, Himalayan Cryosphere, Climate and Disaster Research Centre (HICCDRC), KU has been actively engaged in Cryosphere Monitoring Project (2011-2016-2019) and highly supported the project, Contribution to High Asia Run off from Ice and Snow (CHARIS) (2012-2016-2018). The present cryospheric study “Ponkar Glacier in Manang, Nepal by the HiCCDRC was introduced and the importance of more frequent researches on cryosphere was highlighted. The talk was followed by a discussion session and ended with the vote of thanks from coordinator of Environmental Graduates in Himalaya.

