Resources Himalaya Foundation and Environmental Graduates in Himalaya organized our monthly program GuffGaff with Dr. Ramesh Man Singh, senior researcher at Centre for Energy and Environment Nepal. The talk program was focused on “Research Experiences on Refuse Derived Fuel as an Alternative Fuel for Industrial Kilns”. The program started with welcome note and introduction of guest speaker by EGH Coordinator.
Dr Ramesh Man Singh recalled his past research experiences on Refuse Derived Fuel and its use in different parts of Nepal with examples Dr. Singh talked about Ramche coal with waste plastics, Lawanyawati Agrofuel – fuel for cement industry, testing Madhyapur clay craft in kiln, and installation of machine in Tilottama municipality. He suggested using of cold briquetting technique by hydraulic press and plastic extruder in future instead of hot briquetting that reduces the consumption of high energy and electricity. He concluded the talk by addressing the queries from the audiences and the program ended with vote of thanks from the EGH Coordinator.