“With the positive attitude, any day can be celebrated”
In the hope of bringing more public awareness to preserve the unique and important little animal, “International Red Panda Day- 2017” was celebrated among 120 participants. 17 September, Resources Himalaya Foundation had marked the auspicious day and was celebrated with Red Panda themed activities in Central Zoo, Jawakhel, Lalitpur in collaboration with Red Panda Network and NTNC- Central Zoo. The goal of celebrating the day was to raise awareness about the species conservation in the different age groups from different sectors. The programme was started with the documentary entitled, “The Forgotten Panda” along with the “Interesting Facts about Red Panda”, presentation by Ms Arzoo Khadka, one of our active EGH members. Zookeeper from Central Zoo, talked about the background and its status along with the role of zoo to preserve the adorable little creature. Mr Damber Bista an expert, from Red Panda Network was invited and during the 15 minutes of his PowerPoint Presentation, he highlighted the Red Panda Conservation status in Nepal along with its distribution, occupancy in districts and protected areas. He further emphasized the conservation challenges in the context of Nepal. Mask Competition and Puzzle Game related to the Red Panda themed was also one of the acmes of the programme.
The programme was ended with a closing remarks and vote of thanks by Prof. Dr Ram B Chhetri, Chairperson of Resources Himalaya Foundation.