

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • September 19, 2021


Event Date : 2021-09-18

Resources Himalaya Foundation in collaboration with Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation (SMCRF), Red Panda Network, Zoological Survey of India, Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Department of Forest and Park Services of Bhutan organized a joint webinar on the occasion of International Red Panda Day. This webinar gathered researchers and red panda enthusiasts from all around the world to talk about the status and conservation of red panda. The program was moderated by Dr. Dinesh Neupane, Executive Director at Resources Himalaya Foundation.

The program sarted with a talk from Dr. Arjun Thapa who gave an overview on red panda followed by presentation from representatives from range countries of red panda: Nepal, China, India and Bhutan. Prof. Dr. Yibo Hu represented China and talked on “Population Status and Genetic Structure of Red Pandas in China.” Mr. Damber Bista represented Nepal and presented on the topic “Red panda conservation in Nepal: are we on right track?” The representation from India was done by Dr. Mukesh Thakur who talked on “Conservation of red panda in India: landscape genetics approach.” Finally, from Bhutan Mr. Pema Dendup presented on “Red panda (Ailurusfulgens) Conservation in Bhutan.” The presenters discussed on various aspects of red panda such as population status, study on species, genetic diversity, conservation status, and conservation approaches.

The second session composed of remarks by experts from different organizations. Dr. Angela Glatston gave remarks on the bridging between in-situ and ex-situ conservation; Dr. Sunita Pradhan provided remarks on the transboundary conservation and research issues; Mr. Harish Chandra Rai talked about the community based conservation approach and Mr. Hari Bhadra Acharya discussed about the initiation of transboundary collaboration and cooperation.

The video of the program can be found in the following link: https://www.facebook.com/YSNNepal/videos/203801985028587/

