

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • May 16, 2023


Event Held Date : 2021-04-8

Resources Himalaya Foundation and Environmental Graduates in Himalaya jointly organized 119th series of Pralad Yonzon Conservation Forum (PYCF) with Mr. Dipak Khadka as a key presenter. Mr. Dipak Khadka is an Executive Member of Environment Protection and Study Center, Kathmandu. He is currently working as a lecturer in GoldenGate International College, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has published about 20 papers and articles in different national and international journals. Mr. Khadka has been exploring Prunus in Nepal since 2019. He had his presentation entitled “Plant hunting in Nepal: My Experience with Exploration of Prunus”.

Mr. Dipak Khadka started his presentation by explaining what plant hunting actually is. The collection of live plant specimens from the wild, sometimes mentioned as plant hunting, is an activity that has occurred for many centuries and still ongoing. He talked about prunus fruits which are recognized as rich sources of polyphenols that have health promoting effect. Prunus members can be deciduous or evergreen and typically bear simple leaves with toothed margins. Many species have a pair of characteristic glands at the base of the leaf blade. The five-petaled flowers are often showy with numerous stamens and bear drupes known colloquially as stone fruits. Additionally, Mr. Khadka also shared his adventurous experience on his exploration of the Prunus and the difficulties he had witnessed during his research in the discussion session of the program.

A discussion session followed Mr. Khadka’s presentation in which some queries put forward by the audience were duly answered by Mr. Khadka. He concluded his talk by reiterating the importance of Prunus in the local and regional scale. Eventually, the program ended with a brief vote of thanks from Ms. Archana Singh, the Program Manager of Resources Himalaya Foundation.
Resources Himalaya Foundation and Environmental Graduates in Himalaya jointly organized 119th series of Pralad Yonzon Conservation Forum (PYCF) with Mr. Dipak Khadka as a key presenter. Mr. Dipak Khadka is an Executive Member of Environment Protection and Study Center, Kathmandu. He is currently working as a lecturer in GoldenGate International College, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has published about 20 papers and articles in different national and international journals. Mr. Khadka has been exploring Prunus in Nepal since 2019. He had his presentation entitled “Plant hunting in Nepal: My Experience with Exploration of Prunus”.

Mr. Dipak Khadka started his presentation by explaining what plant hunting actually is. The collection of living plant specimens from the wild, sometimes mentioned as plant hunting, is an activity that has occurred for many centuries and still ongoing. He talked about prunus fruits which are recognized as rich sources of polyphenols that have health promoting effect. Prunus members can be deciduous or evergreen and typically bear simple leaves with toothed margins. Many species have a pair of characteristic glands at the base of the leaf blade. The five-petaled flowers are often showy with numerous stamens and bear drupes known colloquially as stone fruits. Additionally, Mr. Khadka also shared his adventurous experience on his exploration of the Prunus and the difficulties he had witnessed during his research in the discussion session of the program.
A discussion session followed Mr. Khadka’s presentation in which some queries put forward by the audience were duly answered by Mr. Khadka. He concluded his talk by reiterating the importance of Prunus in the local and regional scale. Eventually, the program ended with a brief vote of thanks from Ms. Archana Singh, the Program Manager of Resources Himalaya Foundation.


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