Resources Himalaya Foundation and Environmental Graduates in Himalaya successfully organized 113th series of PYCF with Dr. Ripu Mardhan Kunwar, an ethnobotanist and researcher at Ethnobotanical Society of Nepal and Society for Economic Botany, USA. He presented a talk on “Ethnobotany in Nepal: Pattern and Prospect”.
The major outlines of the presentation were the ethnobotanical principles, research and progress, prospect and scope, and way forward for the conservation. Introducing the term ethnobotany, the variables; geography, ecology, history and culture, socio-economy, bioactive compounds, doctrine of signature, and climate were mentioned as the important variables that affect and determines the ethnobotany of the country. Dr. Kunwar elaborated the ethnobotanical researches done in Nepal till now and briefly explained the six sub-field of ethnobotany. In addition, he highlighted the constitution, act, policies, and action plans for the conservation of ethnobotany with its huge scope in Nepal. Dr. Kunwar concluded the talk with the message that ethnobotany in Nepal is greatly influenced by different ethno-ecological environments defined by the availability of resources, accessibility of the region, cultural preoccupancy/belief, socio-economy, and climate/weather. Thus there are ample potential of ethnobotany covariance that could be accommodated in ethnobotany for further study, and ethnobotany has a potential for solutions to socio-economic, environmental and climatic crises in Nepal. The presentation was followed by an interactive discussion session between guest speaker and young researchers from different countries and ended with a vote of thanks and closing remarks from Dr. Dinesh Neupane, Executive Director of Resources Himalaya Foundation.
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