

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • October 17, 2017


Event Date :

For the 65th series of PYCF, we had invited Mr Kushal Harjani, one of the co-founders of Doko Recyclers Private Limited and his team. The program started with the welcome note and brief introduction of the speaker by Ms Binita Pandey, EGH coordinator. Mr Harjani in his talk on a title “Solid Waste Management: An Effort of Doko Recyclers” elucidated their initiative in management of the solid waste, scaled to 516 metric tons per day in the capital city of Nepal, further highlighting its impact on human health through the formation of Leachate when mixed with water. He underlined on the need to sustain the environment with the awareness on waste as a linear economy among the youth. In the interaction with the graduates, he also discussed about the various methods and techniques of reusing and recycling plastic bottles, electronic appliances, etc which is non-degradable. The program ended with closing remarks from Dr Dinesh Raj Bhuju, General Secretary of Resources Himalaya Foundation who also handed a token of appreciation to our guest speaker.
