

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • April 15, 2019


Event Date : 2019-04-12

For the 82nd series of PYCF, we had invited Mr. Narayan Gopal Ghimire, Sr. Engineering Geilogist/ Lecturer at Central Department of Geology, Tribhuwan University. The program was started with a welcome note by Ms. Anjana Suwal, EGH Coordinator and with the brief introduction of the speaker

Mr. Narayan Gopal Ghimire had his presentation entitled “Application of vetiver (Chrysopogan zizanioides) for the sustainable development”. He started his presentation with the introduction of vetiver grass which is the native species of Karnataka, India. He gave the description of the vetiver grass as the plant can grow from sea level to 3000 m asl. and at various climatic regions. The vetiver plant have high biomass below ground than that of above ground having long, strong and abundant root matrix. Similarly, the plant has to be propagated with its saplings that can grow very fast, however don’t compete with the crops plants. Furthermore he elaborated in the application of the vetiver plant for the sustainable development as the vetiver plant can be used as the bioengineering technique to for the disaster mitigation in the slopes as it has strong root matrix. In the same way the vetiver plant can also be used for the water treatment process. At last he concluded his presentation with the different benefits of the vetiver plant as it is cost effective as well as its application for the sustainable development.

The presentation was followed by discussion session.

The programme formally ended by a token of appreciation and a thank you note by Dr. Ramji Bogati, the Board member of Resources Himalaya Foundation (RHF).
