
Pralad Yonzon Conservation Forum Series LXXIX

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • January 6, 2019

Pralad Yonzon Conservation Forum Series LXXIX

Event Date : 2018-12-7

For the 79th series of PYCF, we had invited Mr. Sunil Sapkota, the Founder President of Raise Hands Nepal, Chitwan which zeroes in on saving snakes and conducts environmental conservation activities on 7 December 2018. Mr. Sapkota is the pioneer snake rescuer from Nepal. The program started with a welcome note by Ms. Varsha Rai, EGH Coordinator and brief introduction of our speaker.

Mr. Sunil Sapkota had his presentation on “Smile for Snakes”. During the programme, Mr. sapkota shared his experiences and history on how he actually went on to become a snake rescuer from an engineering student. He elaborated on the campaigns he has been leading for snake conservation and awareness. He added that snakes have been perceived as a killer by the people and shone light on the facts what makes us prone to snake bites. He also explained that open defecation system in some parts of terai leads to maximum causes of deaths due to snake bites. Mr. Sapkota also assured that not all snakes are venomous and dangerous and snakes are likely to avoid human contact. The participants delightfully participated in the interaction. Mr. Sapkota gave a take home message that snakes are equally important for an ecosystem and we humans should acknowledge the fact, be cautious and smile for snakes.

The programme formally ended by a token of appreciation for our guest speaker by Mr. Sandesh Baral, Admin Officer at Resources Himalaya Foundation and a thank you note by the EGH Coordinator.

