On the occasion of “SAVE THE FROGS DAY”, Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH) along with Resources Himalaya Foundation (RHF) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Nepal had organized a day-long program on 28 April. The event was categorized into two sessions; Celebration with School Kids (Session I) and University Students (Session II) that included activities like photo exhibition, frog painting, mural art, merch and bake sale along with the short video clips depicting the information about the frogs. Mr Ugan Manandhar, Deputy Director of WWF Nepal and the Chief Guest for the program, described the traditional importance of frog and needs of its conservation through his speech which was followed by the prize distribution for the ‘Junior Art Competition’ conducted on 25 April. A total of 62 students made an active participation and the program ended with the closing remarks of Prof Dr Ram B Chhetri, RHF Chairperson.