
Seminar on Green Space

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • March 24, 2023

Seminar on Green Space

Event Held Date :

Resources Himalaya Foundation (RHF) and Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH) organized a seminar on “Green Spaces for Life Course” on March 22, 2023. The seminar was led by Mr. Milan Rai and moderated by Ms. Ganga Poudel, EGH Coordinator at RHF.

With the general introduction about the program by EGH coordinator, the program was handed over to the moderator who gave a brief introduction on the invited speaker, Mr. Milan Rai and handed over the platform to him. He started the talk by stating his ups and downs of his career life. He gave a mesmerizing talk about how he started his journey by sticking white butterflies all over Kathmandu which was the starting point of his activism. This project soon became popular worldwide and his butterfly became a symbol of harmony and source of consolation and strength to many people. After much struggle, he started his activism to save Kathmandu Valley’s open spaces by creating natural parks in different places. His main motive was to replace the concrete with natural vegetation. He started raising his voice in the Municipality office of Kathmandu and Lalitpur encouraging them to avoid the establishment of concrete parks and give preference to natural parks. He mentioned that rather than doing art on a canvas, he is now portraying his in the landscape of the city. His artful activism has brought and is bringing changes in many parts of the valley. After the talk, the seminar moved towards the discussion session where the participants indulged in active discussion with the invited speaker. Finally, Dr. Dinesh Neupane, Executive Director, RHF concluded the seminar with vote of thanks and concluding remarks.
