

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • October 17, 2017


Event Date :

For the month of August in our Monthly programme “Sharing Experiences”, we had Mr Dev Narayan Mandal, Founder President of Mithila Wildlife Trust (MWT). Mr Mandal in his talks with a topic “Conservation of wildlife and their habitat outside Protected areas” elaborated the work of MTW in rescuing and rehabilitating of hundreds of reptiles (especially snakes and turtles), birds and other rare species till now in coordination with Nepal Forest Department in eastern lowlands. He highlighted the past scenario of the forest and the status of illegal wildlife trade and poaching. He further emphasized on conservation programme organized by MTW along with community awareness on importance of nature, wildlife and their natural habitat. Lastly, he mentioned about the snake-bites mitigation project of MWT and also demonstrated the globally launched RIGHT-Snakebite first aid procedure.
