
Training on Qualitative Data Analysis

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • August 29, 2022

Training on Qualitative Data Analysis

Event Held Date : 2022-08-27

Resources Himalaya Foundation and Environmental Graduates in Himalaya successfully completed five days training on “Qualitative Data Analysis” from August 23 – 27, 2022 which was of two and half hours long. Dr. Anup KC, Assistant Professor at Amrit Science Campus, Tribhuvan University was appointed as an instructor/trainer. There were eight trainees of different institutions and background.

The trainees were introduced with the qualitative data, tools, and techniques on the first day followed by detail briefing on preparation of questions/checklist, rapport building, scheduling an interview/FGD, and analyzing in MS-word on the second day. The five days training sessions also consisted of data mining and coding in MS-Excel, identifying the themes and patterns from the codes, data visualization, and presentation. With the detail discussion addressing all the queries of the trainees on the last day, the sessions ended with certificate distribution by the trainer and short remarks by EGH Coordinator, Ms. Saraswati Thapa Chhetri.
