
Wildlife Photography Competition 2024

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • April 4, 2024

Wildlife Photography Competition 2024

Event Date :

With an innovative and creative approach to promote young conservationist graduates and preserve the wildlife, EGH announced the Wildlife Photography Competition 2024 on March 12, the finale of which was held on 3rd April in the RHF premises. Out of 13 registrations done, 11 participants had partaken for the photography presentation. All the participants had shared their personal experience about how they were able to captivate their breathtaking images as they presented before the esteemed panel of judges comprising of Dr Gauri Shankar Bhandari, Dr Kamal Raj Gosai and Ms. Suvekchhya Tuladhar. Chaired by Dr Dinesh R. Bhuju, the Chair of RHF and moderated by the EGH Coordinator Mr. Bishnu Aryal, the event became a success as the participants departed with more encouragement and fulfilling experience. Witnessed by RHF Research fellows and other invitees, the RHF Program Manager, Ms. Archana Singh had delivered her welcome speech and the event eventually concluded with Dr Bhuju’s inspiring closing remarks and congratulatory notes.
The winners were declared on the very event and the following emerging conservationists bagged the positions and received cash prize, certificates and diaries as token from RHF.
🏆 3rd Prize: Mr. Birat Raj Rajak
🏆 2nd Prize: Mr. Sagar Parajuli
🏆 1st Prize: Ms. Asmita K.C.
The rest of the participants received the certificate of participation and diaries as token of motivation from RHF. 👏🌟 A special shoutout to all the winners from the Central Department of Zoology! 🦁📷
