

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • January 31, 2019


Event Date : 2019-01-17

“Wildlife Training to Graduates 2019” kicked off from 17 January 2019 today at Dr Pralad Yonzon Memorial Conservation Chautari. The 12 days was organized by Environmental Graduates in Himalaya and Resources Himalaya Foundation financially aided by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Nepal and supported by National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC).

For the first day, we had Mr. Hem Raj Acharya from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC), Mr. Bibek Shrestha from Kathmandu University, Mr. Samundra Ambuhang Subba from WWF Nepal, Mr. Prajwol Manandhar from Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal (CMDN) and Mr. Kumar Paudel from Greenhood Nepal.

On the second day of the training at Dr. Pralad Yonzon Memorial Conservation Chautari, we had Dr. Narayan Prasad Koju, Assistant Professor at Nepal Engineering College Dr. Tulsi Subedi, Program Director at Himalayan Nature, Mr. Kul Bahadur Thapa, Research Officer at Himalayan Nature, Prof. Dr. Bhaiya Khanal, Chairperson of Nepal Bioheritage Forum for Resources Conservation and Dr. Kamal Adhikari, Ethnobotanist from Resources Himalaya Foundation, for the sessions on mammals, birds, entomology, herpetology and plants respectively.

On the third day of the training, we had Dr. Dinesh Raj Bhuju from Resources Himalaya Foundation, Dr. Roshan Sherchan from Green Governance Nepal, Ms. Sonam Choekyi Lama from Kathmandu University-School of Arts, Mr. Sheren Shrestha from WWF Nepal and Prof. Dr. Brook Milligan from New Mexico State University as resource persons.

On the fourth day on (20 January 2019) of the theory session of the training, we had Mr. Jeevan Rai from the Friends of Nature (FON) Nepal, Mr. Bishnu Maharjan, the GIS Expert and Dr. Narendra Man Babu Pradhan from International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Nepal as resource persons.

We can’t thank them enough for their much insightful sessions.

The field work of the training was conducted on January 21-28, 2019 at Bardia National Park.

Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH) and Resources Himalaya Foundation (RHF) would like to express our heartfelt gratitude towards World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Nepal for financially supporting us and National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) for facilitating us for the field work.

We also owe our sincere appreciation and thankfulness towards our resource persons during the field work, Mr. Naresh Kusi, Ms. Binita Pandey, Mr. Bivek Gautam and Mr. Ram Bahadur Shahi. We would also not like to forget to thank Ms. Varsha Rai, EGH Coordinator for her coordination and support throughout the training.

We also would like to acknowledge Mr. Shyam Thapa, NTNC-Bardia In-charge and all other staffs for their warm hospitality and cooperation.

