Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (EGH) has organized Wildlife Training for Graduate among the 8 students (4= Girls and 4= Boys) in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Nepal), National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), Zoological Society of London (ZSL-Nepal), Himalayan Nature and Resources Himalaya Foundation (RHF) from 16 December to 23 December as to groom and mentor the younger generation of graduates in environmental and natural sciences on the path to becoming dedicated wildlife conservationists. The training was mainly focused on three areas i.e. innovative research and policy analysis, mentoring and capacity building of younger generation, and creating a platform for knowledge management and dissemination.
We are delighted to express our deepest gratitude to all the instructors of both theoretical and practical session for their consistent support, and invaluable help for this training. We would sincerely like to thank and acknowledge the sponsors of the training; WWF-Nepal, NTNC, ZSL-Nepal without whom this training could have never happened. We are also much grateful to Himalayan Nature for providing field equipment (Camera traps and tube traps) and Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation for Sherman traps for the field. Also, we would whole heartedly like to thank Mr Shiv Raj Bhatta, Director- Field Programmes, WWF Nepal, Dr Siddhartha Bajracharya- Executive Director (Programme), National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) and Dr Bhagawan Raj Dahal- Programme Head, Zoological Society of London- Nepal and Mr Sharad Singh- Director, Himalayan Nature, for making this possible. We are thankful to Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation for permitting us to carry out the training in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve.