

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • July 26, 2017


Event Date :

Environmental Graduates in Himalaya, has a long tradition of marking up important days in regard with environment and conservation. On 22 March, “World Water Day 2017” was celebrated by organizing a talk event. Two guest speakers, Dr Ram Devi Tachamo Shah, Founder of Himalayan Biodiversity and Climate Change and Mr Rajesh Sada, Water Resources Specialists in WWF Nepal were invited as the presenters while university students and researchers were the participants. The programme started with the welcome note and programme introduction by Ms Binita Pandey, EGH coordinator. The opening speaker was Mr Rajesh Sada presenting on “Freshwater ecosystem conservation and integrated water resources management”. He mentioned climate change, increased pollution, increased human demands, water induced disasters, sand and gravel mining and overuse of water to be the major constraints for freshwater availability. Mr Sada further explained Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) as a sustainable approach in conserving the world’s freshwater resources along with an immediate need to improve water governance in Federal Nepal too. Dr Ram Devi Tachamo Shah as a second presenter, presented about ” Sustainable water resource management in Nepal: challenges and opportunity” emphasizing on water management tactics in accordance with Water Resources Act 1992 and Sustainable Development Goal 6. The program ended with the closing remarks and vote of thanks by Prof Dr Ram B Chhetri, Chair Person, Resources Himalaya Foundation.
