
Young Scientist Nepal (YSN) for combat COVID-19

  • By : resourceshimalaya.org
  • June 14, 2021

Young Scientist Nepal (YSN) for combat COVID-19

Event Date :

A national meeting of Young Scientist Nepal (YSN) was held today through an e-platform (Zoom). YSN is an initiative of Resources Himalaya Foundation established in April 2020 after the first lockdown was imposed in Nepal. This network of young individuals have been carrying out various works to aware the public on COVID-19 through different methods. In today’s meeting, orientation was carried out for the new members, where they were welcomed and briefed about the past as well as ongoing works, including the future plan of YSN. With this addition, YSN has successfully extended its network to 73 out of 77 districts in Nepal. Overall, it was a fruitful meeting that indicated a hopeful future possibilities.
